The Winemakers

 • Jérome Gerbeault
• Eric de Suremain
 • Jacky Clerget
 • Dom. Potinet-Ampeau
• David Dubuet
 • Florent Garaudet
• Domaine Changarnier
 • Domaine Darviot-Perrin
 • Ulrich Dujardin
 • Sebastien Deschamps
 • Domaine Douhairet
 • Paul Garaudet
 • Eric Boussey
 • Alain Billard
 • Laurent Boussey
 • Bernard De Suremain
 • Gérard Doreau

Welcome to the winegrowers of Monthelie in Burgundy

Come and take a walk and discover the treasures of our village

The wine growers of Monthelie will throw open their cellars and let you discover their wines

More details

Driving from Paris, Strasbourg, Dijon by the Autoroute, leave at the exit for Beaune Hospices and follow the direction for Autun by the D973.
Driving from Lyon, Macon by the Autoroute, leave at the exit for Chalon sur Sa�ne North, take the direction for Chagny, and then Beaune by the N74. Turn left at the H�pital de Meursault.

Coordonnées GPS
46° 59'' 35'4° 46'' 2'

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